Freedom to move as a birthday wish
Natasha Nekrasova turned 12 on September 22. For her birthday, she only asked for a new stroller, a multipurpose rehab-buggy so that her Mom can continue taking her ourside.
"I'm a very brave girl. I'm not even afraid of needles." This is how Natasha describes herself. Natasha is just 12 but she has endured more pain in her life than most adults.
"My Dad died. I live with my Mom in town of Novokuznetsk in Kemerovo Region. Our town is large and beautiful. It's a town of miners." Twleve years ago, Natasha's Mom was enjoying her pregnancy and couldn't wait for her daughter's arrival. On September 22, Natasha was born. With ambillical cord was wrapped three times around her neck, she couldn't take a breath. She was transferred to NICU and put on a ventilator.
She survives. She started breathing on her own and was discharged from the hospital. But the diagnosis of cerebral palsy stayed in her medical records. The life of a person with cerebral palsy is like running up an elevalor that goes in opposite direction: the moment you stop, you go down. Life with cerebral palsy is hard work. Daily massage, daily physical therapy. Never ending visits to hospitals, tests, injections, pills. You feel like a normal person when your Mom pushes you along in a wheelchair, and then people start staring and talking about you.
Natasha and her Mom work very hard, and Natasha is doing quite well as the result of their efforts. She can sit, talk, eat by herself. She can even stand supported for a brief time. She has just started 5th grade. Natasha is mostly homeschooled and comes to school together with her Mom only for some classes. She gets only good grades, and her favorite subject is English. At home she likes to play computer games, do crafts and paint - just like any other child her age.
Only her dreams are very different from those of her peers. For her birthday, she asked for a new stroller. She knows that she has almost outgrown he old stroller. She knows also, that her Mom is always by her side and can't work because of it. Her Dad died, she she has no grandparents. SO there is no money for a new stroller. But without it, she won't be able to go to school. She won't be able to go outside. The stroller for her is like legs to ordinary people. With one difference - we get legs for free. And for Natasha, they cost 75,600 Roubles or about USD 2,500.
"My biggest wish is to walk just like my friends. This is so great - to get up and walk." - says Natasha. We can't fullfill this wish. But we can give her a gift that will help her get around. Natasha's Birthday has just passed. This is a stroller she needs (click to go to manufacturer's site).
Lets make her birthday wish come true!
February 3, 2014.
Natasha Nekrasova's mother Olga wrote us a letter:
"Natasha is doing well at the moment, we are receiving treatment and participating in rehabilitation activities. She is getting stronger, more stable on her feet. Natasha is in the 6th grade. She studies well, almost straight A's student, except for one B for her Maths. We are very happy with our new wheelchair; we use it for trips as well as for long walks."
We would like to ask your help with purchasing compact bide for Natasha's hygiene. Natasha is unable to get into a bath on her own and she is very heavy to be lifted into it every day. The necessary hygiene equipment can be purchased in Moscow through a supplier of special needs equipment.
Compact-bide can be connected to the cold water and electricity and will make Natasha and her Mom's lives so much easier. Our aim is to improve everyday life of our recipients, so we dearly ask you to help Natasha in this regard.
March 27, 2013.
We have very good news to share about Natasha Nekrasova. On March 11, Natasha finally received her new specialized stroller. Natasha and her Mom are very happy. The stroller is very comfortable; it folds easily, and is of just the right height. It’s very convenient for travel so they can easlity take it with them when Mom takes Natasha for physical therapy. The stroller should easily accommodate Natasha even when she grows up. Overall, Natasha is doing well. She has just returned home from a course of treatment and she feels well.
We wish we could have shared the good news earlier but the family'’s camera was broken and they wanted to send us some pictures of Natasha doing physical therapy and using her new stroller.
December 27, 2012. Dear Friends, we thank everyone who helped raise money for a special stroller
for Natasha. We have finally gathered the necessary funds, and transferred them to Natasha's Mom. They will order the stroller
after holidays. It will be made to order, and will likely be ready by March. We will let you know when Natasha finally receives it.
Natasha's Mom thanks all of you: "Thank you to all the donors for kindness and understanding. Thank you for your kind hearts!"