Oleg Tambovcev"My biggest dream is for my brother and me to be healthy, and for all of the kids in the world who suffer from this disease to be cured.”
News February 1, 2014.
As per Oleg Tambovtsev's mother Tatiana, Oleg's condition has stabilized. The remaining problem is his unstable blood pressure. We are still fundraising for Oleg and Denis upcoming trip for treatment in Moscow. This time they will require inpatient treatment that will cost approximately $5000 including train tickets. This is a very large amount for our organization, so we starting fundraising in advance.
December 12, 2013.Unfortunately, news are not good again. Oleg's condition remains severe despite appropriate treatment and all necessary medications. Due to enlargement of lymphatic nods and spleen Oleg suffers from liver pain and vomiting. During his last admission he had several episodes of hypertension. It is unclear what needs to be done next. Oleg is expected for his next planned admission in May next year. Doctors start mentioning the possible need of liver transplant. Unfortunately, there is no CT scan equipment in Oleg's native town. Oleg will need to have abdominal CT scan during his next admission in Moscow so doctors can get a better idea whether liver transplant is indicated. The main issue is that there are no liver transplants done in Kazakhstan. Tatiana Tambovtseva writes: "I want to express my great gratitude that you responded to my request to help my children. It is incredibly heartwarming to know that in our almost cruel world there are people that are caring, attentive to problems of others, feeling strangers pain like own. I am bowing to you. Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart." We will keep trying to help Tambovtsevs brothers to cover the medical costs. Donations for their next trip to Moscow are greatly appreciated, especially knowing that next time, both brothers have to go. The cost of the hospital stay has recently increased, we will need to pay for Oleg's CT scan and train tickets as well. We are starting to raise the target amount of $5000 beforehand, to make sure necessary amount is raised by May. We are asking to help Oleg and Denis with their upcoming treatment. August 30, 2013. Thanks to the help from our donors, both boys were able to go to Moscow for tests and treatment. Unfortunately, the tests show that Oleg's health is deteriorating quickly. Once again, we need to raise money for his treatment in Moscow. This time, he will need a longer stay in the hospital as he needs IV antibiotics and extensive testing that can be only done in the hospital. The estimated cost of treatment is 93,000 Rubles, or close to $2,900. In addition, it is likely that based on the test results doctors will prescribe new medications that might not available in Kazakhstan. They also need $800 for the train tickets for Oleg and his Mom. The family hopes to be able to cover the cost of tickets themselves, they have started saving up money. But they are counting on your help to cover the other costs. We can send the break-down of the estimate in case someone would like to see it. Please, help Oleg get the treatment he needs. July 7, 2013. March 27, 2013. One of our regular donors promised one third of the needed sum, so we need to raise $1,500 for the boys. The family needs $1,000 more for the transportation but they are hoping to save enough money for the ticket by May. Oleg is an excellent student and he wishes to study abroad once he graduates from school. He works really hard towards his dream, and tells us that he is doing very well in his English classes. We only hope he stays healthy enough to pursue all his dreams. Thanks to the specialized nutrition and vitamins that our donors were able to send to Kazakhstan, Oleg’s appetite improved and he is eating better. His little brother Denis is now working with a speech therapist and getting ready to start school in September. He is generally feeling well, except occasionally he gets stomach aches. Please, help Oleg and Denis continue getting treatment they need! January 6, 2013 Anna from Australia sent 10,000 Rubles ($340) to Tambovcev family, and they used the money to buy medications for the boys: berodual, lasolvan, chophytol, karsil, hepabene. Oleg was treated with antibiotic Ceftazimidine, and he is feelling much better despite a poor appetite and low energy. Denis feels well, too, and is getting ready for school next year. Both boys, and especially Oleg, need vitamins, but unfortunately, they ran out of them in August. They also need ScandiShake, as they only have a three week supply left. Oleg and Denis with all of you a Merry Christmas! December 10, 2012. Dear friends, we would like to thank all who helped pay for the treatment of Oleg and Denis Tambovcev in a Moscow clinic. Here is what their Mom wrote us: "Thanks to you, boys got all necessary tests and treatment. As you know, when we arrived in Moscow, both boys were not doing well. Oleg had difficulty breathing, his heart was not working well, he had a high fever due to infection. Doctors started him on iv antibiotics right away, and ran all the tests. Oleg got to know other kids in the hospital and became good friends with many of them. Together they did physiotherapy, played, did crafts, talked. Doctors also ran tests on Denis. His condition is not good but at least it's stable. He also enjoyed his hospital stay and made many new friends. He enjoyed his physiotherapy the most. The worst part for him was gastroscopy, which really scared him. I would like to express my gratitude to all people that are helping us. It makes me happy to think that even in our cruel world there are people who deeply care about our problems. As a mother, I am very thankful to all the strangers who shared our pain with us and became dear to us." The boys' Mom also sent us the pictures of Oleg's new works. Both brothers need SkandiShake and specialized vitamins (ADEKs) daily. If someone reading this wants to get in touch with the family and send them Skandishake and vitamins on a regular basis, please, let us know. Thank you! June 5, 2012. We would like to thank all our donors for the help you have provided to Tambovtsev family. Oleg and Denis, together with their Mom, are back from treatment in Moscow. Unfortunately, the news is not good: condition of both boys has deteriorated. Oleg has an enlarged spleen, Denis is having problems with his pancreas, and both boys have developed liver complications. Boys must be admitted for inpatient treatment which is scheduled for November 15th. The cost of treatment for both boys is estimated at 80000 RUB. This amount is prohibitively high for the family, and we once again ask for your help to raise money for Denis and Oleg. We will need to raise 80000 RUB or 2700$ by November. We know that with your help everything is possible! April 11, 2012. Now Oleg and his little brother Denis need our help again. Both brothers need to travel to a clinic in
Moscow for the necessary tests and treatment at least once a year. As the boys are not citizens of Russia, their parents need to pay for doctors’s consultations,
tests, medications and travel expenses out of pocket. In the past, Kazakh authorities occasionally partially covered those expenses. Unfortunately,
this year the family is struggling to raise enough money. A letter from Tatiana, Oleg and Denis Mom: "Even doctors can’t predict when our boys will need to be seen again. It depends entirely on our sons’ health. We do our best to manage their disease and protect them from any infections, but without regular tests and timely treatment, their condition worsens sooner or later. Oleg is struggling with liver pain. We are doing all we can to treat it at home. He has just finished a course of treatment with Heptral, but he still has pain. While the vitamins improved Oleg's appetite, he has not gained any weight. Oleg has very short stature for his age, and weighs only 21 kg (46 lbs). It breaks my heart to watch him compare himself to his healthy classmates, all much taller and stronger than him. Summer is the most difficult season for our youngest son, Denis. He does not tolerate heat well and struggles with sweats. He also can no longer tolerate IV infusions and as a result couldn’t be treated with Heptral. Doctors here in Kazakhstan can’t explain his adverse reactions to infusions, and we need to seek the advice from their more experienced colleagues in Moscow. This time around we aren’t very successful in finding money for the trip to Moscow. What we have so far barely covers transportation and living expenses but we have no money to pay for the medical tests and medications. It is devastating to realize that your children's lives depend on medications and treatments that you cannot afford. When you first learn that your child is gravely ill, your world crumbles. Knowing that you are not completely alone and that there are people willing to extend a helping hand makes you feel much better. Our life now is quite difficult: we spend most of our income on medications, and the fear we feel about our children’s future is unrelenting. Any help and support gives up hope and strength to carry on and fight for their lives." To cover the costs of outpatient tests and treatments for both brothers, 40000 Rub (or about 1350 dollars) is needed. Please, help us raise the necessary funds for the boys to get urgently needed treatment! December 5, 2011. In his free time, Oleg enjoys embroidery and beading, which he has taught himself using books. His Mom says
it's not easy for him as he is often very tired and his hands are not as steady as he would want them to be, but Oleg is very patient! Take a look at some of his works: